Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh right. Blogging.

I completely forgot I had a blog. I haven't really been up to writing recently. I've been reading more, which I guess seems more efficient. It could improve my writing skills. I have no idea why I'm actually writing in here. I ended up in here because I connected all of my stuff to Google. Which brings up the topic of... Google, I guess?!
I've noticed all the websites that are connected to Google, and I have to say... Damn. Google is ruling over the internet! I've never really researched much into Google, but I guess I'm going to have to do it very soon! I just got a Google+ Account, which seems a bit cool, I guess. Although, since many people I know don't have it, I don't think I'll be using most of it's features.

Aw man. Interruptions. Oh well... I'll write a good quality article soon enough, little blog. Soon enough... Damn high school.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm fucking pissed

Note: Cursing ahead.

There are plenty of times that you can get angry. Many of them can be reasonable and some of them can be unreasonable. From my point of view, the reason to why I'm angry, is reasonable. I'm not going to say what it is, so I'll just keep it to myself.

What I want to say is this:
People should really know what the fuck they are about to say. Some people don't even think stuff before talking. All they do is fucking spit out the shit that comes out of their mouths, regardless of what the other person may feel. The worst thing is the whole "Oh! I didn't mean it! It was a joke!" thing. Fuck that, that has been overused to death. I seriously can't fucking stand people that are ignorant and doesn't consider giving not even 5 seconds of thought before saying.

I despise it. Especially when it comes to insult something/someone I have a bond with (when they don't deserve it). Why am I writing this? No reason. I just want to let it out. When I'm angry, I usually just keep it to myself. But I want to share with whoever the hell actually reads this, to listen up.

Think before acting.
There's nothing people hate more than stupid people who don't think before they blabber their heads. "It was a joke" is just another lame ass excuse to not apologize.

For me to get REALLY angry, it really is something. I guess I'm gonna be ok in a while. But god damn fucking shit. And don't you think I didn't reply back to something that didn't hurt him/her. Of course I fucking did. I don't take shit like that from ANYBODY. Literally, NO ONE.

I guess I'm done with my pathetic article of being angry. I'll see you later when I'm in a better fucking mood and actually feel like writing something serious. Adieu.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Things I always thought were weird

We all know that there are things in life that just seem out of place... But I consider my whole thought process being out of place. Anyways, there are a lot of things that always seemed weird to me and never really thought to share them.  So be ready to read the...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Announcement: video Blog.

Hey, peeps! Seems like there's some news coming up ahead... Seems like many people have requested me to do a Video Blog! So I guess that's what I'm going to do! I know I can make a good Vlog. So I'll give it my best shot!

To people who read this blog, untighten your ass, I'll still write in here as much as I do nowadays. I'll also post my video blogs in here so whoever it is that's reading this will know when I upload a video.

Thanks for the suggestions! Video Blog is now in process of making!

Monday, June 6, 2011

(Story Time Mondays) Sean's way home.

NOTE: Time stamps are going to be important in this story! Pay close attention when stuff seems weird!

Sean was in his religion class. Yeah. Catholic school. Sean hated religion. Never believed in anything, anyways. He believes in SCIENCE!

He always wanted proof for everything. If there was something that he didn't understand or didn't agree with, he'd research it. He was a fairly smart kid. Too bad he usually forgot the information by losing interest a few weeks later.

Sean was in religion, writing things as he usually does. He's one of those people that listens to something and knows it for a long period of time. He also found it amusing how many people believed in such foolish stories from The Bible.
Sean was on a writing mood, so he wrote. He wrote a story. An extremely short story.
   "One day, Tim went to his house. He ate a sandwich. Wait. It wasn't a sandwich. It was his HAND!"

He likes writing stories like that. Sean is a great author.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Top 5 Cartoons (In my opinion)

It's finally Friday! Damn, this week sure has been a busy one... Made like 4 projects and didn't have time to write in here. I'll try to make some time do some bloggin' since tests are coming up. Anyways, heading straight to the point this time!...

So, I'm guessing most of us have seen plenty of cartoons... Of course you have! Anyways, I'm here to talk about  the topic of best cartoons! But let me talk a bit of my own tastes of cartoons, though...
I usually don't like modern-day media. I don't like modern music nor modern Television; so, I usually watch/listen old fashioned music... So my taste in cartoons may be "a bit" out dated.

But none of you should mind, because these are the best cartoons ever. Enjoy my...

Monday, May 30, 2011

The story without a Title: Introduction

Once upon a time...

There was a kid. Who was this kid, you ask? No ones knows his name. People call  him "The Question Mark". Hah! Just kidding. That's a stupid nickname. His name is Sean Pekay. He was always a socially awkward kid and he never interacted much with his schoolmates. He is currently 16 years old. Since he was socially awkward, all he had was 2 friends he actually spoke to.

One of them was Mark Pyro; his best friend. Mark was the most popular kid in school. Who would've thought such a duo would exist? They were the complete opposite of each other! Whatever. Sean's other friend was Reid Scole. Reid is just your typical nerd. A pretty social one, too (at least, he considered himself social...). He usually goes by the name of "mindrobber451", though. He's the one who wants to hang out with Sean, though. Sean doesn't mind. "The more the merrier", as he says.

Pretty strange group, don't ya think? But who cares. Sean, Mark, and Reid were all good with it.

(to be continued...)

Story-time Mondays!

I'm eating Jell-O. Is it possible to choke on Jell-O? Anyways, that's not the reason why I'm here today.

As I think I've mentioned, I've taken an interest on writing for a while now, so let me tell you why I decided to write. One day, I was extremely bored in school... So I decided to start drawing on the back of my notebook like I usually do when I'm bored. Although, I had no idea what to draw at the moment, so something struck me. Why not try to write a story of some sorts? So, I did. At first, I decided to make a SHORT story, although that didn't work out so well... I wrote 48 (notebook) pages of my story, but gave up on it because I thought it was leading nowhere at all. Although, I guess I can share it with my followers! Before you ask, my story has no title. I was planning on naming it when I was done. So... Next post will be the introduction to my story!

NOTE: Every Monday will be my story unless I don't really feel like writing about something else. If you expected a cool blog about whatever, you're out of luck! So I guess I could make it up with this Pokemon.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

You addict!

So, I haven't written on this for a little while. Why, do you ask? Well... Because I've been such an addict! If you read my past blog, I'm quite the gamer.

Recently, I've been downloading a couple of "indie games", which are videogames that are created by whoever. Not a real company. I also got a game for the Wii called "Epic Mickey". It's been a while since I've played these type of games and I've been having a blast. These games have been putting my blogging behind because I'd rather play than write (at least when I have new games...).  So that's what I'll be writing about today! I hope you enjoy the...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Life of being a Geek

So, as many of you may know, I'm a geek. Not like there's anything wrong with that, I don't regret being a geek, nor am I offended when someone calls me geek, for I accept being one. Although, you have to know that being a nerd and being a geek is a completely different thing. I'm a geek, so I like to play a lot about video games and am interested in technology shit. I suppose "geek" can also be defined as eccentric at times... BUT MEH. You know what I mean, damn it!

So here I am today writing about... 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The "I don't know what to write about" blog

I have absolutely no idea what to write about today. I told a friend I'd try to write about anything every day. EVERY. DAY. But I don't think I'll do so. But hey! I've been trying! Anyways... I don't know what to write about today... So since I can't come up with anything, I guess I'll just write about not knowing what to write about!

Not knowing what to write about can be pretty stressful sometimes. Usually, I'd be back home with a topic in mind that I want to talk about like the past few days, but today, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Sometimes I just know that I have enough to say about one topic that has enough potential to be written about. But today... It seems like quite a weird topic. It's not really writer's block, but more of a lack of ideas (yeah OK it's writer's block).

But some silly thing isn't going to beat me! So I guess I'll say some things I do when I get writer's block!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dreamin' with an Alabama Llama

Today, I woke up remembering a dream I had last night. But alas; I didn't reminisce on it much since I usually go back to sleep after having breakfast for a brief minute. So in consequence I can't remember my dream right now. That's the mystery behind dreams. You can't remember most of them, unless you keep reminiscing about it, or write it down. Or keep talking about it nonstop until someone punches you to silence.

I am one of those guys that when they're interested in one thing, they keep researching and try to learn all about the topic, one of them being dreams. I find the dream world very interesting, and wonder how they work. They can be so random, funny, linear, interesting, and whatever it is that you've been storing in that sick mind of yours.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

No Apocalypse!

So, it turns out that yesterday wasn't the start of the apocalypse. I sometimes think that humanity can be more stupid than I thought. Why? Unlike plenty of people, I like to do a bit of research about topics like these. Apparently, the guy who "predicted" this said the same thing in 1994 about the world ending. I'm quite surprised that there were plenty of people that believed him this time, too. I am also sure that there were a lot of people who didn't believe in it, obviously (me being one of those people). There will always be someone who says the world is going to end. It has ALWAYS happened. Y2K, 1994, 2012, etc... The worst part is that the ones involving religion are the most stupid theories, like our good ol' Harold Camping did with MATH.

I was raised as a catholic, and I am bound to have a bit of faith on my religion (although, starting to lose most of it). These theories may just as well be as dumb as the religion itself. I know enough from my years as a catholic school student that "no one God knows when the end of the world be". Now... Why would a Christian fanatic such as Harold Camping let such a fact slip from him? As our "Sacred Book" says, no one knows when it'll be. Not even Chuck Norris (Unless he gets angry. He'll destroy the whole galaxy in a blink).

What I'm trying to say is... Don't believe in all of the "End of the World" crap you keep hearing about. All you're going to do is make a mockery of yourself and get laughed at people like me at December of 2012. Oh, and by the way. The world will really end when Bob Barker (the old host from the Price is Right) dies. That guy lives forever.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The first is always the worst.

Hi everyone. As you can tell, I have a blog. Although, I don't know who would read this, since I don't think there are many people who would be interested in my random chatting.

Anyways... I never considered myself a normal person, hence the title of my blog (If you were wondering why I chose that as my name...)

There are plenty of reasons why I made this blog. Some reasons are that I like to write, I can share my thoughts for people that are interested, and people can get to know me better! I'm pretty sure I'm crazy enough to do so.

Some things I'll probably talk about, too, are all about my crazy successions in life (which may appear unbelievable, but I actually don't care if you believe me or not). I might talk about my days as a teenager... I might even talk about something I'm going to talk about like right now!

Anyways, I feel like I'm going to set up a challenge for myself. I'm going to write in this blog at least once every two weeks. No less. Sorry for boring you, and I hope this picture of a dancing condom makes up for your time.
Have a fine evening.