Sunday, May 22, 2011

No Apocalypse!

So, it turns out that yesterday wasn't the start of the apocalypse. I sometimes think that humanity can be more stupid than I thought. Why? Unlike plenty of people, I like to do a bit of research about topics like these. Apparently, the guy who "predicted" this said the same thing in 1994 about the world ending. I'm quite surprised that there were plenty of people that believed him this time, too. I am also sure that there were a lot of people who didn't believe in it, obviously (me being one of those people). There will always be someone who says the world is going to end. It has ALWAYS happened. Y2K, 1994, 2012, etc... The worst part is that the ones involving religion are the most stupid theories, like our good ol' Harold Camping did with MATH.

I was raised as a catholic, and I am bound to have a bit of faith on my religion (although, starting to lose most of it). These theories may just as well be as dumb as the religion itself. I know enough from my years as a catholic school student that "no one God knows when the end of the world be". Now... Why would a Christian fanatic such as Harold Camping let such a fact slip from him? As our "Sacred Book" says, no one knows when it'll be. Not even Chuck Norris (Unless he gets angry. He'll destroy the whole galaxy in a blink).

What I'm trying to say is... Don't believe in all of the "End of the World" crap you keep hearing about. All you're going to do is make a mockery of yourself and get laughed at people like me at December of 2012. Oh, and by the way. The world will really end when Bob Barker (the old host from the Price is Right) dies. That guy lives forever.

1 comment:

  1. oh god the idea of being eccentric got iver your head.
    well, you are. be fuckadoodling do happy
