I completely forgot I had a blog. I haven't really been up to writing recently. I've been reading more, which I guess seems more efficient. It could improve my writing skills. I have no idea why I'm actually writing in here. I ended up in here because I connected all of my stuff to Google. Which brings up the topic of... Google, I guess?!
I've noticed all the websites that are connected to Google, and I have to say... Damn. Google is ruling over the internet! I've never really researched much into Google, but I guess I'm going to have to do it very soon! I just got a Google+ Account, which seems a bit cool, I guess. Although, since many people I know don't have it, I don't think I'll be using most of it's features.
Aw man. Interruptions. Oh well... I'll write a good quality article soon enough, little blog. Soon enough... Damn high school.